What Is a Succulent Plant?
The name “succulent plant” will not give you much of an idea of what you can expect to find inside one of these plants. This is due to the fact that there are several different varieties of succulents and you will not find any one or a handful of the same ones available in the market. Succulents are actually small, low-growing plants. Succulents are not true plants, they are actually the stem of a relative, the coriander plant, although these plants do not have seeds and the root system can provide the necessary sustenance to a plant if the seeds are not planted. You can easily buy succulents online.
How to Take Care?
It is said that cut flowers are for the living, while succulents are for the dead. But if you prefer living plants over the dead ones, then succulents will definitely suit you better. They can be beautifully preserved and taken care of like cut flowers.
There are many methods and ideas available for your convenience, so you just have to choose a suitable method for your plant. Here are some ideas for taking care of your succulent plant.
This is one of the first things to keep in mind while taking care of your succulent plant. While potted plants can be sold in nurseries for your remembrance of their life, it is a shame to toss your plants in the garbage after the event is over. The easiest way to reproduce the same plant is to propagate it, and the best way to do it is by tissue culture.
Your succulent can be in a living state inside the stem of a dish, and if you keep them moist, they will start sprouting in about two weeks. It might seem a bit pricey, but the plant will grow strong and healthy, without the need to take care of it in that way. It should not take longer than six months for it to be completely rooted. However, you should not expect the same quality of plants from this method as the transplanting process.
You can also save money if you choose to use a hydroponic method. The only limit of this method is water, which means you might end up watering your plant too much, which might affect the nutrient supply and also cause plant death. This method requires you to purchase special equipment and ingredients to prepare the hydroponic system, and you have to learn how to maintain it yourself. While the plants might not grow quite as well as they would if you were to use a regular soil base, they will at least stay alive until you take care of them better.
Propagation via seeds
Many people also use seeds to propagate succulent plants, and this can be quite beneficial in the long run, even though the process might be a bit expensive. The only difficulty with this method is that it takes some time for the plant to come into fruition, and it takes a lot of them to reproduce. It is possible to plant 50 seeds per pot and have a hundred plants, but you will have to watch over it carefully to make sure they do not fall apart.
There are still some methods that you can use to propagate your succulent plants, and one of them is to use cuttings. Cuttings can be taken from the succulent’s stem, and their life cycle will be brought back to the original state. While the process might not be as quick as tissue culture, it is a lot cheaper to use the cuttings for propagation. Succulentmarket.com is offering succulents for sale.
You can even use artificial plants in a sense of the word to propagate succulent plants, although this might be a tad difficult to achieve. The only difficulty with this method is that you will have to keep the plant healthy, and you will have to make sure that it does not become too dependent on the artificial plant. You should also make sure that the root system of the artificial plant does not harm the natural one, otherwise the entire process might become useless and you might have to start over again.
Concluding Words:
Succulents can be quite challenging to take care of at first. It is crucial to maintain your plant and take care of it in a proper manner. You will have to be very careful and give it a good amount of water and fertilizer every day, and you have to make sure that you always keep it moist. It is also important to make sure that you fertilize regularly. Make sure that you do not over-water it, and also make sure that you place the pot or glass where you can ensure that the plant has enough light, even if it is just some indirect sunlight. If you want to continue with the success of your succulent garden, you should probably start growing seeds of your succulent plants.