Your hip joints are one of the largest weight-bearing joints in the body, so they experience a great deal of everyday wear and tear. Unsurprisingly, hip pain is a prevalent health concern in both men and women. Whereas it is easy to believe that hip pain Scottsdale only impacts older individuals, the truth is that anybody can suffer hip joint discomfort. Moreover, because you utilize your hips for numerous tasks, various underlying issues may trigger these unpleasant sensations. If you are wondering what is causing your hip pain, continue reading to learn about the most common causes.
1. Hip Strain
A collection of ligaments and muscles function together to move and stabilize the hip joint. A hip strain develops once one or more of these ligaments or muscles are overstretched or torn. Hip strains could occur during ordinary or more strenuous activities, such as sports. You might experience discomfort, stiffness, and sensitivity, particularly while walking or standing.
2. Hip Bursitis
A bursa is a sac filled with fluid that serves as a cushioning for the hip bone. Your hip consists of two bursas, which can enlarge and become inflamed because of overuse or other stresses on the hip. This condition is known as hip bursitis. You will experience tenderness and discomfort on the interior and exterior of the hip.
Pain could be exacerbated by sleeping on the troublesome side. Seek expert care if conservative therapy fails or the discomfort renders it difficult to stand or walk after sitting.
3. Hip Osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis is the gradual deterioration of a joint with time. This deterioration wears away the joint cartilage, causing bones to rub against each other as you move the hip. Hip osteoarthritis is quite prevalent in elderly persons.
The pain develops slowly and is intense and agonizing. The discomfort could become continuous with time. Your hip can be rigid, might lock, or grate and discomfort can worsen with movement and during the morning. If your hip discomfort has steadily worsened with time, consult your physician for an assessment.
4. Inflammatory Hip Arthritis
Once the body’s immune system fails and targets the joints, a distinct form of arthritis develops. This arthritis typically manifests earlier in life than osteoarthritis. The most prevalent illustration is rheumatoid arthritis.
In addition to hip discomfort and stiffness, you might also experience fever and exhaustion. You might feel discomfort in both hips as well as other joints. After getting up and exercising in the morning, you could notice a reduction in discomfort, which is why you consult a physician.
5. Hip Joint Osteonecrosis
A shortage of blood supply to the hip joint’s ball could also result in pain or even bone death. This disorder is known as osteonecrosis and is most prevalent in men aged 40-65. You could also experience discomfort in the buttocks or groin, besides your hip.
Risk factors for hip osteonecrosis include alcohol or steroid abuse, smoking, hip injury, and specific health concerns. If you have one or more of these risk factors, and a dull discomfort that worsens over time, seek expert care.
Chronic hip discomfort can interfere with daily activities and diminish the patient’s life quality. It may cause minor to serious physical pain in the hip region. While hip pain is unpleasant, it is easily treatable with conservative therapy. If you experience tenderness, soreness, or mobility difficulties, consult your specialist for a professional diagnosis and treatment. Often, your doctor will employ conservative therapy, including over-the-counter pain medication, icing, and rest. If these solutions do not alleviate your pain, your doctor may recommend surgery.