Surgical procedures can be intimidating for many people, but general surgery is one of the most common surgeries. General surgery is a term used to describe a wide range of surgeries performed on the body’s organs. A surgeon can perform this surgery on the stomach, liver, intestines, and other organs. General surgery helps treat cancer, remove tumors, and correct other health problems. If you are facing general surgery or someone you love is scheduled for surgery, it is essential to consult with a McKinney bariatric, general & laparoscopic surgeon to understand what to expect. This article highlights some of the most common general surgery procedures.
1. Mediport Placement
A mediport is a small, round device used to give medical treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy. This device is inserted into a large vein near the heart. A mediport can facilitate various treatments, and it eliminates the need for multiple needle sticks.
The placement of a mediport is a standard general surgery procedure. This procedure is often performed on cancer patients receiving chemotherapy or radiation therapy. The mediport is inserted through a small incision in the chest, and it takes only a few minutes to complete.
2. Abscess Drainage
An abscess is a collection of pus that forms in the body. An abscess can occur anywhere in the body, but it is most common in the neck, armpit, and groin. Abscesses often require drainage to clear the pus and prevent infection.
Abscess drainage is a common general surgery procedure. This procedure is used to treat abscesses that are not responding to antibiotics or other treatments. Abscess drainage is performed by making a small incision in the abscess and draining the pus. The procedure is generally safe and does not require a hospital stay.
3. Skin Lesion and Soft Tissue Removal
Skin lesions are common and can be caused by various things, including infection, cancer, and sun damage. You can surgically remove skin lesions for diagnosis or treatment.
Soft tissue removal is a standard general surgery procedure. This procedure removes tumors, cysts, and other abnormal tissues from the body. Soft tissue removal can be performed using various methods, including surgery, laser therapy, and radiation therapy.
4. Lipoma Removal
Lipomas are common benign tumors that occur in the body’s fatty tissues. Lipomas can be surgically removed for diagnosis or treatment.
Lipoma removal is a standard general surgery procedure. This procedure is used to remove lipomas from the body. Lipoma removal is performed by making a small incision in the tumor and removing it. The surgery is generally safe and does not require a hospital stay.
5. Pilonidal Cyst Excision
A pilonidal cyst is a collection of pus that occurs near the tailbone. This condition is often caused by hair follicles becoming infected. You can treat pilonidal cysts with antibiotics, but in some cases, surgery is necessary.
Pilonidal cyst excision is a standard general surgery procedure. This procedure is used to remove pilonidal cysts from the body. Pilonidal cyst excision is performed by making a small incision in the cyst and removing it. The surgery is generally safe and does not require a hospital stay.
In summary, general surgery is a term used to describe a wide range of surgeries performed on the body’s organs. Some of the most common general surgery procedures are mediport placement, abscess drainage, skin lesion and soft tissue removal, lipoma removal, and pilonidal cyst excision.