Just like all other medical issues, diagnosis and treatment are also a must if you are suffering from some kind of food intolerance or food allergy. Even you may have to go through intolerance testing if recommended by your physician. Here, we will discuss in detail the diagnosis and treatments of food allergy.
Though, a flawless test to confirm or rule out a food allergy does not exist. Before establishing a diagnosis, your doctor will investigate a variety of criteria. These elements include:
- Your signs and symptoms:Give your doctor a thorough account of your symptoms, including which foods and how much of them seem to be causing you difficulties.
- Allergy history in your family:Also, share any information you know about family members who have allergies of any kind.
- A complete physical examination: A thorough examination can often detect or rule out other medical issues.
- A skin test is required:A skin prick test might help you figure out how you react to certain foods. A tiny amount of the suspicious food is applied to the skin of your forearm or back in this test. The drug is then injected beneath your skin surface by a doctor or another health care provider pricking your skin with a needle.
You get a raised bump or response if you’re allergic to the substance being examined. Keep in mind that a positive reaction to this test does not necessarily mean you have a food allergy.
- A blood test is required:A blood test can detect your immune system’s response to specific meals by measuring immunoglobulin E, an allergy-related antibody (IgE).A blood sample taken at your doctor’s office is forwarded to a medical laboratory where various foods might be analyzed.
- Go on an elimination diet:You may be urged to eliminate questionable foods for a week or two before gradually reintroducing them into your diet. This method can assist in the connection of symptoms to specific foods. An elimination diet won’t tell you whether you have a real allergy or a food sensitivity to a food.
- A food challenge in the mouth.You’ll be given little but increasing amounts of the food suspected of triggering your symptoms during this test, which will take place in the doctor’s office. If you don’t have a reaction to this meal during the test, you may be able to reintroduce it into your diet.
Avoiding foods that trigger signs and symptoms is the only approach to avoid an allergic response. You may, however, come into contact with a meal that triggers a reaction despite your best attempts.
Antihistamines: Whether prescribed or over-the-counter, can help lessen the symptoms of a small allergic reaction. These medications can be used to treat itching and hives after being exposed to an allergy-causing food. Antihistamines, on the other hand, cannot treat a severe allergic reaction.
Epinephrine: You may need an emergency injection of epinephrine and a trip to the emergency department if you have a severe allergic response. Many allergy sufferers keep an epinephrine auto-injector on their person (Adrenaclick, EpiPen). When rubbed against your thigh, this device combines a syringe and a hidden needle to deliver a single dose of medication.