There are several medical diseases and associated therapies that may cause sexual dysfunction.
Antihypertensive, antidepressants, antipsychotics, and antiandrogens are common suspects. Drug-induced sexual issues and their detrimental influence on treatment adherence may help the doctor personalise therapy for both the patient and their partner.
Good clinical care necessitates having an open dialogue with the patient regarding sexual function and offering treatment options.
Patients who have sexual dysfunction as a side effect of their medication are more prone to become non-compliant. The same is true for antihypertensive and antipsychotics.
Drugs like alcohol, opioids and stimulants may also have an effect on sexual function, as can hallucinogens and stimulants. While alcohol may reduce inhibitions, it also delays orgasm and ejaculation when used for a short period of time. It’s not uncommon for people who take drugs to have improved sex lives, while their spouses commonly experience the reverse.
Sexual desire, arousal, and orgasm are all components of sexual function. Regardless of gender, both sexes may face difficulties at any of these stages. A person’s relationship is also impacted by conditions including low libido in males, anorexia, anorgasmia, and painful sex, as well as erectile dysfunction and erectile dysfunction in women.
Interacting with the sufferer:
If a patient is able to open up about his or her sexual troubles, and if the doctor is willing to inquire about these issues and does so in a caring manner, he or she is more likely to disclose these issues.
If a patient is using a long-term medicine Like Cenforce 100, they may not be aware that their sexual issues have evolved as a consequence. As a result, some people may blame their drug use for their inability to have sex, despite the fact that these issues are caused by other factors.
To some physicians, it may be “suggestive” to ask patients whether they’ve had any sexual side effects from their medications Vidalista 20 , which might lead to non-adherence. Patients who blame their medication for their sexual issues are less likely to stick with it, even if it’s vital for their well-being.
The patient’s sexual concerns should be discussed during the appointment so that they may be taken into account when making treatment options. Medications like Fildena 100 and super P force are commonly used.
Antihypertensive medications
Sexual dysfunction is linked to high blood pressure.
As a result, adherence to antihypertensive medication may be lower.
- Men
Many men with erectile dysfunction are using beta blockers to treat their hypertension, according to a recent study.
Diuretics and centrally-acting alpha agonists (such as clonidine) have also been linked to a reduction in sexual Lifestyle . 4 Erectile dysfunction and gynecomastia have been linked to the use of spironolactone, an aldosterone receptor blocker.
- Women
When it comes to sexual dysfunction, women with hypertension (before therapy) are more likely to experience it than women who are normal (42 percent vs 19 percent ).
The effects of antihypertensives on the arousal phase in women have not been fully investigated, although it is possible that they have the same negative consequences as in males, resulting in swelling and lubrication failure.
There have been reports of decreased sexual desire in women (41%), as well as decreased sexual satisfaction in women (34%).
A short, randomised research found that alpha adrenergic medications like clonidine and prazosin diminish both desire and arousal. Valsartan, an angiotensin II receptor antagonist, was linked to an increase in sexual desire and fantasies in women with hypertension compared to atenolol, a beta blocker.
- Psychedelic substances
Additionally, it is important to be aware of the impact of mental difficulties on the patient’s relationship and treat the psychosocial concerns.
Approximately 30% to 80% of women and 45% to 80% of men with schizophrenia have sexual difficulties, according to studies. Treatment-induced changes in sexual function may be difficult to discern in people with this condition. Vidalista 20 is widely used drug for treatment of ED.
- Antidepressants
Sexual problems are common side effects of several medications.
In 5–71% of patients, they also reduce or eliminate orgasm. Premature ejaculation might be delayed with the help of this side effect.
Taking tricyclic antidepressants reduces the desire for sex and sexual pleasure.
Specific medications have different impacts based on how they work. About 90% of those who use clomipramine have orgasmic problems, while nortriptyline causes greater erectile dysfunction but fewer orgasmic problems.
There was some evidence of a rise in sexual desire, although the levels employed in the trial were judged subtherapeutic.
Venlafaxine and mirtazapine, two more antidepressants, have varying detrimental effects on sexual function. There have been preliminary reports of considerable antidepressant effectiveness of agomelatine in both male and female patients with severe depressive disorder without notable sexual side effects. There have been contradictory reports on the sexual effects of the drug.
- Antipsychotics
There was just one Cochrane review on antipsychotic-induced sexual dysfunction, and it only included trials on males.
It is common for antipsychotics to cause erectile dysfunction and a drop in orgasmic quality as well as an overall decrease in sexual desire in men taking the medication. Anorgasmia and diminished desire for sex are among the symptoms that women encounter. Vaginal atrophy and dryness may occur as a consequence of oestrogen shortage in women with dyspareunia. Galactorrhea affects men and women alike.
In a recent observational study of schizophrenia, ziprasidone was shown to be favoured over olanzapine in individuals with decreased sexual desire.
A common mechanism through which antipsychotics impair sexual function is their ability to inhibit dopamine receptors. Both sexes have hypogonadism and hyperprolactinemia as a result of this inhibition of the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis.
Secondary amenorrhea and ovarian dysfunction in women are also common side effects, as is reduced testosterone in men. Many additional neurotransmitter routes, including histamine blockage and anticholinergic actions may also be altered by antipsychotics. So, for treatment of ED Cenforce 100 and fildena 100 are the best drugs.
A baseline prolactin level should be established before using dopamine receptor antagonists, so that any subsequent rise in the hormone may be attributable to the medicine. Patients on dopamine receptor antagonists should be tested for non-drug-induced hyperprolactinaemia, such as pituitary tumours.
- Antiepileptics
When it comes to libido, women who take gabapentin or topiramate are more likely than men to suffer from orgasmic dysfunction, while males are more likely than women to suffer from it.
- Contraceptives
Taking oral contraceptives lowers free testosterone levels in the blood. Women’s desire may be reduced as a result of this, however there is insufficient data to support this claim.
Confounding factors in clinical studies of oral contraceptive effectiveness include the relationship, fear of pregnancy, and exposure to sexually transmitted illnesses.
Weight gain, depression, vaginal atrophy, dyspareunia, and a diminished libido may occur in up to 15% of women who take the contraceptive Depot Medroxyprogesterone Acetate (DMPA).