Uncertain times such as the coronavirus lockdowns might impact your mental health, and it would be good to work closely with your therapist. Do you imagine how the lockdown impacts your health? Unfortunately, sometimes it is hard to self-diagnose with stress and depression, and drugs might fail to alleviate the condition. However, you should find experts in TMS in Phoenix who can educate you on the therapy which will work for your condition. The transcranial magnetic stimulation might cure your stubborn depression and help you overcome your mental issues. This is a breakdown of how TMS works and alleviates mental problems.
What is TMS?
TMS is non-invasive brain stimulation, which applies powerful magnetic fields in the brain affecting the nervous system. All the devices operate outside the body, and it does not require the use of anesthesia; most people tolerate the procedure, and you can try it if you suffer from severe depression. It does not have serious side effects seen with depression medications; however, you may develop seizures that last for the treatment duration. The seizures might occur in people with conditions like epilepsy and head injury history.
Does the Treatment Alleviate Depression?
Medications might not treat stress, anxiety, and depression as expected, and your doctor would recommend TMS as it is more effective. A third of people on medication treatment plans might have recurrent depression once they are off the medication; however, you would feel better after TMS treatment as the average response length is more than a year. You might come for subsequent treatment rounds if your condition does not respond to the first TMS treatment.
TMS Treatment
The therapy requires about five sessions in a week, which occur over several weeks, and each session would last for about 20 minutes to one hour, depending on the individual. You would check with your technician and doctor before beginning the stimulation treatment as they assess the medical condition and develop a clinical protocol that will work for your condition. They would target the brain part with great clinical efficiency for depression patients. One session may change your brain but is not adequate to alleviate depression; thus, you need several treatments.
Does TMS Treat Other Conditions
Although there are still few findings on TMS efficiency in dealing with other conditions, there is hope that the research on treatment might evolve into new treatments for neurological disorders. The treatment works well for depression and anxiety and could be applied to bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post-stress disorder.
Why You Should Go for TMS
Depression medications might be ineffective in some patients, impacting the healing process; thus, TMS would impact the healing process. Moreover, the treatment is non-invasive and would not have any side effects leading to better health outcomes. However, TMS treatment might not be effective for people with head injury history or epilepsy as it causes confusion and seizures.
Final Thoughts
Depression impacts your daily life, and it is difficult to overcome the condition without proper treatments. TMS treats depression and mental conditions adequately and improves your mental outcome as it is a non-invasive treatment with few side effects. Good luck finding a doctor who can administer TMS correctly.