There are two stages of Kendamil milk: stage 1 is meant for newborns while stage 2 is for babies six months and older. Stage 1 contains only full-cream cow or goat milk, while stage 2 includes marine algae and human milk oligosaccharides. Which one is best for my baby? Read on to find out. Here’s a brief look at what each stage of Kendamil milk contains.
Kendal uses only full cream cow and goat milk
Kendal is a European brand of formula for babies that promotes ethical farming practices. The cows are free-range, grass-fed Jersey cows that produce milk that is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. In addition, Kendal sources its goat milk from local farms in the Lake District, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The company’s philosophy of putting the needs of babies before profit is part of its success story.
Its whole milk formula provides the best source of natural fats for MFGM, an essential fatty acid found in breastmilk. In addition, Kendal is the only vegetarian-friendly baby formula on the market that contains DHA from algae oil. This dairy-based formula is also 100% palm-oil-free and contains no fish oil. It does contain coconut oil as a positive replacement for palm oil.
It contains human milk oligosaccharides
HMOs are long-chain carbohydrates that are present in breast milk and play an important role in infant immune health. Kendal milk contains HMOs as part of its organic formulas. They are among the few producers of organic formula that contains HMOs. HMOs are beneficial for the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut. They are also good for the immune system and have many other health benefits.
This nutrient-dense organic formula is made with a blend of ALA and EPA. The human milk oligosaccharides present in Kendamil milk are associated with improved immune function, reduced risk of allergies, and improved digestion in babies. The brand also includes other nutrients like Taurine and ARA, which support brain development and immune system function.
It contains nucleotides
European brands like Kendamil produce high-quality baby formula with a low carbon footprint. The company partners with organic farmers to reduce its carbon footprint while obtaining a high natural milk fat level. In the UK, Kendamil meets stricter organic standards than those used in the US. The formula meets stricter standards set by the UK Soil Association, which sets stringent test interpretations based on European organic guidelines. There is no more than 5% of non-organic vitamins in Kendamil products.
For example, Organic formula contains a prebiotic oligosaccharide, a milk nutrient found naturally in human breastmilk. Studies have shown that these compounds are vital for infant immunity and promote the growth of healthy gut bacteria. In addition, Kendal contains taurine and ARA, two nutrients associated with improved cognitive development. While consuming too much soy during infancy is not recommended, it is healthy to supplement your baby’s diet with natural sources of protein.
It contains marine algae
Kendal milk is one of the few brands of organic baby formula. It contains the same nutrients found in human breast milk, which are beneficial to your baby’s immune system. Kendal formula is also the only one in the world to contain this unique ingredient. Human milk oligosaccharides are found in colostrum, the fluid produced after birth, and play a major role in the immune system of a child.
As part of its commitment to environmental and social responsibility, Kendamil partners with organic farmers to minimize its carbon footprint and obtain high-quality natural milk fats. Kendal has met the stricter organic standards in Europe than those in the United States, making it a great choice for organic baby formulas. The European Union-certified milk also meets stricter British Soil Association standards. The UK Soil Association requires that the formula contain only 5% of non-organic vitamins.
It contains MFGM
Compared to other brands of baby formula, Kendamil is free of MFGM, or the mono and poly-glyceride methyl esters found in soy and palm oil. Its formula is designed and formulated in-house and supports 220 organic farms in the English Lake District. The company works with a cooperative of local farmers to ensure the milk meets the highest standards of animal welfare and organic farming. This milk is palm oil-free, vegetarian-friendly, and includes DHA/ARA without fish oil.
The organic formula, Stage 1, contains 60 percent whey and 40% casein. It contains all the fatty acids your baby needs for growth and brain/eye development. It contains all the essential vitamins and minerals that are present in breast milk. Kendal is free of palm oil, fish oil, and maltodextrin. It also contains a unique blend of vitamins and minerals.