Dentures provide an effective way of restoring your teeth if you suffer missing teeth. If you have just acquired your dentures or are considering getting them, the dentures specialist at The Dental Design Studios can help you. But you will have to adapt to your new smile and learn how to cope with the dental appliances in your daily life. One of the things you do every day with your teeth is to eat, and here is how to adjust your eating habits to dentures.
Eat a Liquid Diet Immediately
If it is your first time wearing dentures, you might find it difficult to eat any solid food. Take your time to gradually adapt to your new normal and turn to a liquid diet in the meantime. Consult your doctor on nutrient-dense liquids such as milk, vegetables, and juiced fruits. You can also turn to soups, bisques, and broths but avoid chunks of other foods. From such a diet, you can work your way up to fruits and solid fruits later.
Transition to a Soft Diet
Before eating fully solid food, you can also invest in soft foods that are easy to chew and swallow in addition to your liquid diet. Foods like cereals and bread softened with water or milk can be good while you adapt to dentures. Also, you can consider pasta, boiled rice, soft fruits, cooked legumes, ground meat, mashed potatoes, eggs, and soft cheese.
Indeed, dentures can restore the function of your teeth. However, the appliances may not be totally like your natural teeth, and you have to ensure you chew correctly. Ensure you balance your chewing by using both sides of your mouth. Also, it would be good if you quit front teeth chewing to avoid the risk of displacing the dentures. Try to bite your food from the sides and bring the food to the back using your tongue.
Invest in an Adhesive
The main reason for diet restrictions when one gets dentures is that some food particles can get stuck between the gums and the dentures. However, you can curb this by using denture adhesives. Consult your dentist about using the adhesive to ensure everything is perfect. Clean your dentures and dry them before squeezing the adhesive in the beds. Ensure the adhesive is off the edges to avoid them from oozing out. But you have to ensure you brush and rinse the denture every night to eliminate any food particles. This ensures you enjoy your favorite diet without any restrictions.
Break Down Tough Foods
You can still enjoy your favorite foods with dentures when you cut them smaller. Instead of biting that apple or raw carrot, what about you cut it into manageable sizes you can put in your mouth to chew gently. Also, instead of eating your corn from the comb, you can use a sharp knife to remove the corn and eat it directly. For the garlic bread or pizza, you can tear away the crust. Ensure you understand how you can adjust for every tough food to avoid giving the food up.
Keep Away from Foods with Tiny Particles
Small particles of food can get caught up between your dentures, as mentioned earlier. Foods like blackberries, raspberries, seeded grapes, and strawberries have seeds that can be stuck between your dentures and should be avoided. Also, some baked foods like muffins, Kaiser rolls, and sesame seed buns may contain seeds on the crust and should be avoided.
If you are considering dentures, contact Ivis Hernadez, DDS, for help figuring out if they are suitable for you. Also, you will learn how to cope with dental appliances, especially on a diet.