Migraine is a neurological disease that commonly occurs on one side of the head, causing an intense pounding. It can last for hours or days. Nausea and vomiting are the common symptoms of migraine. Movements, bright light, activity, or loud noise can intensify your migraine. A migraine can become severe, interfering with your daily program. You can visit your health facility, Charlotte Ketamine Center, to diagnose and treat migraine. Women experience migraine more than men. People will have different symptoms of migraine because they vary in type, which includes:
Classic migraine
Classic migraines are also called complicated migraines. It is also named aura, a change that involves changes in the way you see. A person can temporarily lose vision, like side vision, and see flashing lights and color patterned lines or shadows. Aura lasts fifteen to thirty minutes and may occur before or after head pain. A strange sensation or weakness of muscles on one side of the body and communication difficulties are other classic migraine symptoms.
Common migraines
Common migraines are also known as migraines without aura. They are not associated with aura. They begin more slowly than classic migraines, lasting longer, and can disrupt daily activities. The pain in common migraines occurs on one side of your head. Common migraine is the most experienced form of migraine.
Migraines without head pain
Migraines without head pain are sometimes called silent migraines. They can lead to other symptoms of migraine except for pain. You will not experience migraine pain around the eyes and the temple. This form of migraine may involve a phase of aura. You may be sensitive to light and sound, as in typical migraine.
Hemiplegic migraines
Hemiplegic migraines make one side of the body weak, as experienced in stroke. These symptoms only last for a short time. The face, arm, or legs are the significant parts affected by weakness. Your body weakness lasts from an hour to several days. Mostly it will go away within a day. Head pain comes before or after weakness in hemiplegic migraine.
Retinal migraines
Retinal migraines are also known as ocular migraines. They cause a change in your vision but are different from aura symptoms. Diminished vision or blindness of one eye are the significant symptoms of retinal migraines. The symptoms do not last and can occur before or after head pain. Seek medical attention if you have this form of migraine.
Chronic migraine
Chronic migraine occurs for fifteen days at least a month. Symptoms and the severity of the pain change frequently. If you have chronic migraines, you may use pain relievers for more than fifteen days a month, which unluckily leads to headaches happening more regularly.
Migraine with brainstem aura
You will experience vertigo, slurred speech, loss of balance, or double vision if you have a migraine with a brainstem aura. These symptoms occur before the headache. Headache pain can affect the back of your head. Symptoms appear suddenly and can be accompanied by speech difficulties, ringing in your ears, and vomiting.
Avoiding certain lights, missing meals, loud noises, too much caffeine, daily painkillers, and emotional stress can help prevent migraines. Schedule an appointment at Charlotte Ketamine Center to help you have a pain-free headache by treating migraine.