Alcohol addiction, often known as alcoholism, develops when a person has a strong urge to use alcohol regardless of the negative effects. Alcoholism can manifest itself in several ways.
The severity of the disease, as well as how often and how much alcohol someone consumes, differs from person to person. Some people binge drink and then resist the temptation for a while, while others drink heavily the whole day.
Alcoholism can have a variety of medical, psychological, and social consequences, ranging from weight gain and liver disease to domestic abuse, loss of money, unemployment, and harm to unborn children.
Understanding how alcohol is used and seeking out accessible resources are important steps in reducing alcohol’s influence. Alcohol addiction treatment can help people suffering from alcoholism.
Alcoholism can have a variety of repercussions on a person’s mental, physical, social, and spiritual health, and the symptoms range from mild to severe and the symptoms include:
- An increased amount of consumption and frequency of alcohol consumption
- Consuming alcohol at inappropriate times, such as first thing in the morning or inappropriate places
- Avoiding situations where there is no alcohol and preferring to be in circumstances where there is
- Investing more time, money, and effort into procuring and using alcohol
- Irritability, rage, and violence are all on the rise
- Lack of “hangover” symptoms or a strong tolerance for alcohol
- Isolating oneself and spending less time with friends and family
- Memory, concentration, and attention issues
- Significant weight loss or gain
- Conflicts with friends, family, and coworkers are more frequent.
- Increased sluggishness, depression, or other emotional problems
It’s critical to search for early warning signs of addiction because it tends to get worse over time. Someone with an alcohol addiction may be able to prevent serious repercussions of the condition if they are recognized and treated early with appropriate alcohol addiction treatment
Treatment options for an individual who has a drinking problem
A health expert undertakes a formal assessment of the symptoms to determine whether or not someone has an alcohol problem and frames an appropriate treatment plan
An online rehab program could be set in plan for addiction recovery. Although the treatment is coducted mostly at home, the client is always connected with professionals and a large support group.
In addition, due to considerable advancements in the industry, several therapy options are now available. Furthermore, there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all solution, and what works for one individual may not work for another. However, the options for treatment include
Behavioral therapy
Counseling is used in behavioral therapy to help people change their drinking habits and come out of addiction. They’re led by health care professionals and research evidence has shown that this treatment has brought remarkable results.
Drug based therapy
Certain drugs have been approved to assist people to stop or limit their alcohol consumption and avoid relapse. Medications can be used to alleviate withdrawal symptoms to avoid relapse or to generate a negative physical reaction to alcohol to reduce the desire to drink. They are given by a primary care physician or another health care provider and can be taken alone or along with counseling.
Inpatient treatment for Alcoholism
Inpatient alcohol rehabilitation treatment can take anywhere from 30 days to six months or longer, depending on the individual’s needs. It provides for a complete immersion in the recovery process and may be a viable option for persons who have failed to respond to conventional treatments and when combined with professional treatment, can provide a valuable additional layer of support to the patient.