Most women who have had a miscarriage describe the experience as devastating. If you have had three or more miscarriages in your previous pregnancies, you qualify as a patient with recurrent miscarriage. The trauma of their failed pregnancies can cause plenty of emotional and psychological issues. Furthermore, recurrent miscarriages can cause couples to experience marital problems. It is essential to seek medical assistance from Dr. Peter L Chang to determine the reason for your recurrent miscarriage and determine how you can carry a pregnancy to full-term.
Blood clotting disorders
The presence of specific antibodies affects the flow of blood to the placenta and thus limits the amount of nutrition and oxygen a fetus receives. The deprivation of essential oxygen and nutrients leads to fetal death and the end of pregnancy through miscarriage. If you have lost a baby before, you should visit a doctor for a checkup to analyze the presence of antiphospholipid antibodies that may be causing your blood to clot.
Most doctors prescribe aspirin and heparin medications for women with blood clotting disorders causing recurrent miscarriages. These medications help thin the blood and boost blood flow to the placenta.
Thyroid complications
Many women with recurrent miscarriages have an underlying condition. Thyroid problems are a risk factor for recurrent miscarriage. It is essential for women to regularly go for thyroid checkups to ensure that this organ is operating optimally. Moreover, it is necessary to check for thyroid antibodies, which are high levels that can attack the thyroid and cause complications. Specific therapies can deal with thyroid antibodies, thus significantly improving a woman’s chance of having a successful pregnancy.
Uterine problems
If you have a uterus with an abnormal shape, it becomes increasingly difficult for you to carry a fetus until the due date. Having recurrent miscarriages should necessitate a visit to the doctor for an ultrasound to determine whether the shape of your uterus is the cause of your miscarriages. Your doctor may recommend specific surgical approaches to rectify the condition of your uterus and prevent you from losing another baby before it is born.
Specific genes increase your chance of having recurrent miscarriages. Your doctor should analyze your family and medical history to determine if there is any close relative with recurrent miscarriage. A clinical geneticist should perform karyotyping, which involves blood tests to check for chromosomal abnormalities.
Most couples with recurrent miscarriages include women over 35 years and men above 40. It is essential to work with a doctor who will recommend other fertility options to increase your baby’s chances.
Successive loss
Every time you lose a baby, your chance of having another miscarriage increases. Therefore, it is essential to develop ways to prevent you from having a miscarriage from your first pregnancy so that you do not have to deal with recurrent miscarriages.
Parents must know why their baby died during pregnancy. Instead of wallowing in guilt and self-blame, visit Noble Fertility Center to undergo tests that will help you understand the cause of your recurrent miscarriage and receive supportive antenatal care to preserve your baby’s well-being.