Cinestaan was a start-up backed by billionaire Anand Mahindra. It is a digital media platform that focuses on entertainment. Its content is available in multiple languages and it monetizes its services through display and native advertisements. It also has its own mobile application that provides news, reviews, videos and photos. One of its flagship films is Mirzya, which is an epic love story based on the Indian folk tale Mirza Sahiban. This film is directed by Om Puri and it features Saiyami Kher, Harshvardhan Kapoor and Art Malik.
Cinestaan has its own production studio and is currently working on a three-film agreement with Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra’s ROMP Pictures. The first film will be directed by Rakeysh and it is titled “The Hungry” and it will be a contemporary retelling of Shakespeare’s “Titus Andronicus”. Other films are being directed by Om Puri, Saiyami Kher, Nitin Kakkar and Bornila Chatterjee.
Besides producing and distributing Bollywood movies, Cinestaan has launched its own internet services. It is planning to enter the television industry in the near future. Its valuation was done based on the discounted cash flow method. There are some significant shareholders of Cinestaan, such as AA Films Pvt. Ltd, which owns 49000 ordinary shares and ACE RECORDS LIMITED, which owns 51,000 GBP.
In addition to its film production and distribution capabilities, Cinestaan also provides news, videos, photos, editorials and reviews to its users. Its content is geared towards building a global brand for films that connect with Indian audiences. A team of seasoned professionals is involved in the company, including film industry veterans and aspiring filmmakers. Their passion for films binds them together. They dream of creating one-stop destination for all things related to Indian cinema.
Although it is still in its infancy, Cinestaan AA Distributors is making waves as a global film distributor. With its extensive experience in the United States, Canada and Europe, it can board studio projects at any stage. It can also partner independent projects at any point of time. Moreover, it has the infrastructure needed to successfully sell Indian movies globally. Founded by Rohit Khattar, who is known for his role in the Indian cricket world, the company has already been listed on the London Stock Exchange.
Recently, the Delhi High Court quashed the income tax department’s claim against Cinestaan Entertainment. The two-judge bench ruled that discounting of cash flow is widely accepted. Moreover, the court dismissed the appeal by Cinestaan. Meanwhile, the company’s IT department challenged the valuation of the shares on the basis of its irrational approach. The court ruled that the discounted cash flow valuation was the right way to value the shares.
Besides being a boutique film studio, Cinestaan has developed and supported national cinemas. It has a development and marketing division, as well as sales and marketing. As part of its efforts to build an international brand, it supports international cinemas as well. It is a member of the Motion Picture Association of America, as well as the International Cinema Organization.